Scale Your Agency By Forming Profitable Partnerships!

Work smarter- not harder when it comes to sales.

Profitable Partnership Program

REVENUE TARGET: 7 Paid Clients in 16 Days

The Strategy & Plan- Zoom Intensive

Zoom Intensive that shows you our 3 step process that results in long lasting partnerships with “Heavy Lifters” that can be responsible for 6, 7, or even 8-figure revenue deals on an ongoing basis… 

Structured so the “Heavy Lifters” are generating these clients & revenue FOR YOU

AND how you can form these partnerships to sell OTHER PEOPLE’S products (or your old courses) so you can pocket the cash without having to do any lead gen, sales, OR fulfillment

Lead Generation Launch- Start Having Conversations

Done For You Lead Generation campaigns using ORGANIC LinkedIn automated Outreach- NO ad spend required!

Getting you on the phone with 3-5 potential partners of your targeted choice

Crafted in a way that makes THEM want to partner with YOU

Sales Structure Framework

Showing you exactly how to structure the partnership with your “Heavy Lifters” to…

-Have them send you hot leads weekly OR EVEN close the clients directly FOR YOU without you having to lift a finger

-Make it so you are a pivotal part of their business to ensure the partnership lasts year after year allowing you to cash deposits without any lead gen or sales

***LIMITED BONUS- Direct Client Lead Generation

As a limited bonus.. in addition to the lead generation campaigns you will be running targeting partners, we will also launch a lead gen campaign targeting your direct clients.

Case Studies & Testimonials...